Market Nostrum as a trading platform allows the establishment of commercial relations with the purpose of BUYING and SELLING using a safe environment which promotes commercial offers, stressing the most valued companies, most demanded categories, certified companies, most active COMPANIES, etc. with the purpose of providing trust when searching for commercial opportunities.

The SERVICES rendering companies, besides advertising, participate evaluating the bidders and applicants.

Market Nostrum is complemented with a CATEGORY directory for products and companies, alive, dynamic and highly specialized.

Alive because is not a list of closed categories, but new categories will be created in relation to the profile of the companies which compose MarketNostrum; Dynamic because the products organization continuously adapts to the market demands; and Highly specialized because it allows the division in subcategories until reaching the maximum specialization within each sector. also has a registered users Intranet, through which the buyers a well as the sellers not only interact using the platform as a support to their communications, but can also perform the complete buying/selling procedure follow-up and as the case may be, the certification procedure; and to independently manage their profile information as well as their products and demands.

Market Nostrum promotes the rising productive sectors high specialization in the Moroccan market as their companies’ competitive advantage in the global commercial relations scenario.